Technical SEO
Technical SEO encompasses the process of optimizing a website by resolving errors, improving page speed, preventing duplicate content, ensuring mobile friendliness, implementing security through SSL, and structuring URLs to optimize easier search engine crawls.
Whenever a company decides to optimize their website so they can increase their visitors and hopefully add more business to their accounts, the first step is to perform a website audit which is immediately followed by implementing technical SEO in order to correct any and all errors and improve both the UX (user experience) and ability for Google to easily crawl every page without hitting dead-ends from missing pages or long redirect chains. The most immediate concerns are addressed first
Error Resolution
First and foremost all errors needs to be resolved. Missing pages and images, broken code, broken links, and blocked pages are just some of the errors that are addressed immediately.
Duplicate Content
There are many times when a website might have multiple copies of the exact same content so Google doesn’t know which copy is correct and will count this against you. Common types of duplicate content are:
- http and https versions
- www and non-www versions
- large blocks of text used on multiple pages
- plagiarized content from other websites
Wise SEO can not only make sure that only one version is used and repetitive content is stripped out, but we can set pages to signify to Google that they are the “canonical” (preferred) version of the webpage.
Mobile Friendliness
Since 2015 Google has increased the importance of every website having a mobile friendly version that will not only load quickly on mobile devices, but also be easy to navigate. Although most sites built recently include “responsive design” that sizes down for mobile delivery, there are still websites that have desktop only versions, or the images are son large that the pages take too long to load.
Page Speed
Google gives preference to websites that are not only well written and easy to navigate under all resolutions, but also load quickly so visitors don’t have to wait. Since mobile devices have taken a front seat in importance to the search engines, then it’s imperative that every page loads quickly and isn’t deterred by too many large graphics or code that requires many external locations to connect in order to load all the page code.
Site Security
If your website has ANY type of form that visitors fill out and submit to you or to a database, then it’s vital that information is protected from the vulnerability of hackers. Not only will this offer greater security to your visitors, but it also adds security to the administration of your website.
Website Structure
Properly structuring your website will not only allow your visitors to easily find the pages that are relevant to their questions and allow Google to easily crawl and update your pages within their index, but most important of all it will define to Google what your most important products or services are and will provide supporting pages that strengthen their definition. Wise SEO understands how to implement the best website structure for your site so that it will give your visitors the easiest path to the most relevant information, and search engines will be able to easily crawl every page while it sees the strength of your authority in your market.
Remove Unneeded Pages from Index
When Google looks at the importance of your pages, it counts everything that it indexes as part of your site as weight toward the authority of your information. You don’t want to dilute the importance of that information with pages where there’s little to no content, or privacy and terms pages that are used among many other websites as a common practice.
Sitemaps and Robots.txt Files
Every site needs to have a defined sitemap for not only listing the most important pages on the site that need to be crawled periodically, but also strong definition on what areas to exclude.