International Organic Search
When companies based in the United States seek to expand their coverage outside of their country, they are presented with several unique challenges. One is to obtain a domain that is recognized by the citizens within the prospective country as being a local company. The second challenge is to build out a network of pages that are individual to each and every well populated location within that country, which ultimately can be thousands of webpages.
Home Alarms Canada
Home Alarms Canada ( is an extension of US-based ADT dealer sites that serviced every state in the United States, but also wanted to expand into the territories of Canada. This site was also part of the acquisition by the Fortune 500 company that wanted to further their reach into neighboring countries outside of the United States.
Our Task
The Task
Although this project presented logistic issues with scaling out close to 1,200 pages/locations, there was also the matter of acquiring a Canadian domain (.ca). The solution for the domain was found by partnering temporarily with a Canadian based company and then purchasing the domain rights afterward. The second challenge of scaling out the location pages was much more difficult since Canada had very little demographic and crime data to work with, so the database for building out the location pages had to be pieced together. The local pages were then built out using the same techniques used on the US-based websites where dynamic pages pulled from the database and included elements of randomization to prevent duplicate content.
SEO Involved
Types of SEO Involved